When the fire was found, barbecue is the most traditional way to cook food.
In addition, the most pupolar activity to celebrate the moon festival in Taiwan is BBQ. People say it may be because of the trick of the manufacture of the barbecue sause.
This Saturday, I had a barbecue in the Queen Town.
The Queen is at the SanXia District. It is a place very applicable for a barbecue or camping.
For barbecuing, we ordered a combination tools and food from the staffs.
The food they provided including meat balls, fish balls, tempura (a kind of fish cake), chicken drumsticks, curry chichen wings, bacon belly, beef cubes, rice cakes mhashbrowns, marshmellows and etc.
But they do not serve sea food.
Therefore, this morning, I woke up early to the tranditional market to get sea food, like clams, shirmps, squids and tilapia. The tilapia was stuffed with sliced gingegr and garlic to make the fish smell and taste better.
For vegetables, we prepared baby corns and water bamboos. Water bamboos are in season and they are delicilous after grilling.
Yet, the sauges they gave to us are not as tasty as we expected. They are not like pork sauge meat but ham. We even have to cut into cubes to make sure they cook well.
Thanks that the sea food make our day. It is worthwhile that I woke up early to buy them. One friend said it is the most delicious food!
One thing impressed me that there is an elder man roasting a whole pig.
I do not know why we felt very hot because the weather is not or becaue we are barbecuing in a field without winds. Many people went to the vendor to buy ice cream. The ticket into the Queen Town is NTD 100 and you can use the ticket to get the goods in NTD 100, but I think the drinks here are too much. A common latte costs over $100, so I think a ice cream is a better choice.
The grilled tilapia is the biggest meal in the barbecue.
Our barbecue was from 10:00 to 15:00. Unfortunately, we ran out of our wood coal and there are two friends did not arrive yet. Finally, they made it around 14:00. We rebooted the fire and had the second round.
The barbecue from 10 A.M. to 3 P.M. in the Queen Town is NTD $3500, and if you want to extend for 1 hour, you need to pay more NTD $1000. It is what we've been told by the staff. Which means we had better speeding up!!!
There is a field for camping. I hope I'll have a chance to accomplish it.
Next time, I would like to try barbecue with wine or beers. Just want to get drunk!